Courses and prices
The only course that we are currently offering is C1540 for the ControlLogix platform. If you have other needs, please give us a call to discuss.
Each “Level 1 & 2” course listed below features five full days of intense PLC Boot Camp style training which starts at the very beginning levels and then rapidly progresses all the way through analog signals. Our Problem/Solution training method ensures that the beginners in the class don’t get overwhelmed – and the more-experienced students don’t get bored. From start to finish, there’s something here for everyone. Guaranteed. C1540 Level 1 & 2 Skills for ControlLogix Using RSLogix5000 – Discrete and Analog Signals
$2590 per student | 5 days |
C1540Level 1 & 2 Skills for ControlLogix Using RSLogix5000 – Discrete and Analog Signals
$2590 per student 5 days Quick overview Detailed specificationsBoot Camp for the ControlLogix Platform
This latest system from Allen-Bradley offers many new challenges – even for experienced technicians who are already highly familiar with the older PLC-5 and SLC-500 systems. Differences in the processor’s scan sequence, memory layout, and major changes in the new RSLogix5000 software make this course worthwhile. This C1540 course is also an excellent fit for the smaller CompactLogix platform.
S1540 Level 1 & 2 Skills for the SLC-500 Using RSLogix500 – Discrete and Analog Signals
$2590 per student 5 days Quick overview Detailed specifications
Boot Camp for the SLC-500 Platform
For technicians working with the SLC-500 platform – but not with the larger PLC-5 system. If you have both platforms, then we strongly recommend that you take the P1540 course listed below instead of this one. This S1540 course is also an excellent fit for the smaller MicroLogix platform.
P1540 Level 1 & 2 Skills for the PLC-5 Using RSLogix5 – Discrete and Analog Signals
$2590 per student 5 days Quick overview Detailed specificationsBoot Camp for the PLC-5 Platform
So many plants today are still using the popular PLC-5 platform that our customers continue to demand this same solid nuts-and-bolts course year after year. For maintenance technicians who work on systems controlled by the reliable old PLC-5 platform, this is the best course to take. Particular emphasis is placed on the Block Transfer Read and the Block Transfer Write operations necessary for the processing of analog signals – and also on the one-slot, two-slot, and half-slot addressing modes which make working with this older platform challenging. The RSLogix-5 software is very similar to the RSLogix-500 software – so even if you need SLC-500 or MicroLogix skills too – this P1540 course would still probably make the best fit.
C4040 The PID and PIDE Instructions for ControlLogix – Troubleshooting Basic Process Control
$2690 per student 5 days Quick overview Detailed specifications
This course is suitable for both the ControlLogix and the CompactLogix hardware platforms.
S4040 The PID Instruction for the SLC-500 – Troubleshooting Basic Process Control
$2690 per student 5 days Quick overview Detailed specifications
This course is suitable for both the SLC-500 and the MicroLogix hardware platforms.
P4040 The PID Instruction for the PLC-5 – Troubleshooting Basic Process Control
$2690 per student 5 days Quick overview Detailed specifications
For more information, or to register, just contact us at:
Main: (770) 353-9699
Tool Free: (844) PLC-1010