Help About
RSLogix-5000 “Help About” – which components do you have installed?
If you already have RSLogix-5000 software installed on your computer, click “Help – About” from the top menu to identify which version of the software is currently open. In this example, Version 19 is being shown.
Note: RSLogix-5000 software is neither “backwards” nor “forwards” compatible. In other words, if your processor has been programmed using Version 19 software, then no other version (newer or older) will be able to access your processor or open your program file. Note that you don’t have to worry about the “Minor Revision” numbers (nickels and dimes) – but the “Major Revision” numbers (dollars) MUST match.
Click the “More Info” button to see which specific components are licensed on your computer.
Note that most of these features are considered to be “extra cost” options – but many customers choose to purchase a “bundled” package which includes most (if not all) of the available options.
Note: For one specific example, if your processor has been programmed using Structured Text, then you will not be able to access those Structured Text parts of your program unless you have purchased the Structured Text option.